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NEW for 2020


2020 AskACatholic Three Tab Papal Repository of recent and previous Conciliar and Papal documents by:

  • Vatican II documents and Councils
  • Papal documents by Pope, and
  • Papal documents by Subject.
January 2025 How should we view and understand these words in this address by the Holy Father?
January 2025 Can you explain to a Protestant looking into Catholicism, why we need a pope through Scripture?
August 2024 Can you explain these pictures I found online while researching the Vatican; really freaky, huh?
August 2024 Is it licit for me to pray a pre-1911 Divine Office that Saint Pius abrogated?
August 2024 Which websites are approved by the Church and can you suggest an easy-to-use Bible Study?
August 2024 How do we know Peter held authority over the Apostles and is considered to be the first Pope?
January 2024 What happens to Papal portraits after a new Pope is instated?; is there a respectful way to store or dispose of these prints?
April 2023 Is there a protocol for writing to the Holy Father and would it show any lack of respect to simply type my letter out using my PC?
April 2023 Has a pope ever actually died on Easter Sunday?
January 2023 Which writing or book is the source of Pope Francis's statement given at a Wednesday Audience?
January 2023 Can a Pope teach or be in a heretical state?
April 2022 Do you know the veracity (validity) of the devotion: "A True Letter Of Our Savior Jesus Christ."?
January 2022 Why would a pope invoke a fallen angel, when it would cause ruination to people and the Church?
January 2022 What does Pope Francis' "Traditionis Custodes" mean for the TLM and how do I evangelize atheists?
August 2021 Who do I turn to and what is the mailing address for the Vatican office that handles this stuff?
April 2021 Can I accept papal primacy without papal jurisdictional supremacy and be a good Catholic?
April 2021 How can you say not abstaining during Lent is a sin and how can a Jesuit be a Zen practitioner?
January 2021 What are the requirements to be Pope and can any normal Catholic become a Pope?
January 2021 How can Pope Francis, the Leader of our Church, act and write as he does in speeches and books?
January 2021 How can Pope Francis endorse giving blessings to same-sex unions against the Holy Word of God?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.