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Michael May wrote:

Hi, guys —

I have a large 18" statue of the Infant of Prague that was dressed by Poor Clare Nuns and it has a 4" inch diameter ornate metal crown placed on His Head.

Once, when I was in the room, the crown flew off the head of the statue and landed on the floor 6 feet away. It was a frightening experience.

  • Was this supernatural phenomenon:
    • of God or
    • of the devil?


  { Was this mystical event that happened with my statue of the Infant of Prague, of God or the devil? }

Bob replied:


That doesn't seem like something God would do, I would presume the latter.

Have the statue blessed, and make sure there is nothing possibly hidden inside the statue.

People who practice the occult and syncretism sometimes hide cursed objects inside sculptures and other things. That can act as a conduit for the demonic.

Once it is cleansed and reconsecrated it should be fine. If anything happens after that, you will have to perform more of an exorcism on it.


Bob Kirby

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