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Mary Cynor wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • I want to know if I can trust a person by the name of Xavier Reyes Ayral?

I listened to him on YouTube. I want to know if his writings are justified by the Catholic Church. I would like to purchase one of his books.


  { Are the writings of Xavier Reyes Ayral justified by the Catholic Church and are his YouTube's OK to listen to? }

Eric replied:


I have not heard of this individual. The proper answer would be obtained by consulting the diocese where he lives, but good luck trying to discover that on the Internet, especially since he's French. Perhaps one of my colleagues is more familiar with him. There are a lot of alleged messages of an apocalyptic nature circulating right now. One can interpret this in two ways;

  1. One, that they all independently agree that something is up or
  2. They are all feeding on each other.

As someone who, in his youth, was caught up somewhat in Apocalypticism, I now take such warnings with a grain of salt. One such alleged seer told miracle stories (unrelated to his messages) that don't add up to me, and his messages contain rather implausible things. Others refer to "prophecies" I know have been dis-confirmed. I am very suspicious of predictions of imminent widespread destruction.

I think such rumors are rooted in a genuine event, the fall of the United States, which I do believe is happening now. But just because our "world" (assuming you are also in the United States) is falling apart (not necessarily in the way the messages convey) doesn't mean the whole world is.

My advice would be along the lines of St. Padre Pio's: Pray, hope, and don't worry. Use this as an opportunity to shore up your faith. It is always good advice to have your spiritual and moral life in order since, regardless of the messages, every one of us can die at any time. Repent and believe in the Gospel. Those who live the faith will have nothing to fear if indeed, the apocalypse is upon us. (This doesn't mean they won't suffer, but they will accept the suffering as salutary.) Read the book if you wish but take the messages with a grain of salt and do not be terrified but use them as an impetus to repent. Fear is of the Enemy.

If these converging messages are true, we shall find out very, very soon, as allegedly October is a key month. If October goes without anything interesting, I'm willing to bet that it's business as usual for now.

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