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Anonymous Joe wrote:

Hi, guys —

I am a teen who is thinking about converting. My close family (Mom, Dad, Siblings) have never been religious. However, ever since my mom’s passing, I have felt a connection turning me to Christianity and Catholicism, yet this seemed to also turn my family away from it. I have always wondered why this was the case, and since then, I received a Bible from my nan and have been praying, yet I have never been to Church on Sundays. I was baptized in the Church of England, but I have been contemplating whether to convert. I do not know how my dad would accept me becoming Catholic.

  • If there are any tips or a way forward, I would be grateful.


  { Do you have any tips for someone who wants to join the Church, despite a non-religious family? }

Mike replied:

Dear Joe,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Let me at least express my personal opinion. This is the Holy Spirit calling you home to the one Church Jesus founded on St. Peter and promised that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against Her, despite bad behavior among lay and clergy. I don’t think the connection you've felt, and your mother’s passing are an accident. It is probably her praying that is encouraging you to join the Church. When and if you have the time, stop by a local Eucharistic Adoration Chapel or go to a Catholic Mass: See how we worship. You can’t receive the Blessed Sacrament now, but the priest will give you a blessing if you go up with your arms crossed.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that your other earthly family members are turned away from your joining.

  • How can you expect family members who know little about their faith to understand your joining another faith?
  • Are they familiar with the history of the Church of England? (the Episcopal faith)

I would encourage you to make an appointment with a Catholic priest at a local Catholic parish or rectory. He would be able to give you the best guidance and tell you what is needed to join the Church and learn the faith so you wouldn't join as an uncatechized Catholic. Study aids and programs would include:  RCIAthe Catechism of the Catholic Church and anything else. (e.g. marital issues.)

These web pages have web page links on them that may help.

Finally, you said:
I do not know how my dad would accept me becoming Catholic.

  • Which dad are you talking about?

    Your Earthly father or your Eternal Father?


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