Ali —
Whether it was mortal or venial, Confession will help heal the damage of this sin. I strongly encourage you to go.
Minimize the detail. I would just say,
"While the circumstances are complicated, during an argument with my husband, I got angry, lashed out, and hit him in vengeance. I make no excuses for my actions; I am ashamed, and I feel terrible. I ask the Lord to heal my anger and all the wounds I have sustained. We are slated for marriage counseling." |
I would say it is necessary to include, not only your anger, but the fact that you hit him; but it is not necessary to include the backstory.
This is not to say what you did is not understandable, it is, and you are a victim indeed, but remember Confession is for confessing sins, not for therapy or counseling.
We will pray for you and your husband! I encourage you, too, to pray for your husband daily, and if he is Catholic, encourage him to go to Confession.