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Anonymous Christina wrote:

Hi, guys —

I am a cradle Catholic. I went to Catholic school through high school and faithfully attended Mass every Sunday with my family. I married a Protestant and was married in the Protestant church. We attended many different Protestant churches over the years. I rejected the Catholic Church for over 20 years of our marriage.

In 2020, my husband became intrigued with the Catholic Church, and we began attending Mass virtually during COVID. He began attending RCIA and became a Catholic 2 years ago. We were married in the Church. We have been faithfully attending the Catholic Church and are both growing in our faith.

Recently, I have been struggling with the fact that I turned my back on the Church, and I feel such remorse for this. I also have such regret for not raising our children in the Catholic faith.

  • Is what I did sinful?
  • Should I confess all of this?

I welcome any thoughts you have on this.


  { Was my turning my back and not raising our children Catholic, sinful and should I go to Confession? }

Bob replied:


Be at peace, Christ loves you and will forgive you for your very roundabout way of coming home. That fact remains you are coming home and the next big step is going to Confession (tell it all) and reconcile everything. Your sin was likely in ignorance and our Lord won’t hold it against you when you come back fully. Your children can still learn from you; be a witness. Learn as much as you can about the differences between Catholic and Protestant theology, the apologetics for the main dogmas, and then you can have an intelligent conversation with children who may be old enough now to understand the issues. I’m assuming that they are at least teenagers. If they are little you could get them redirected more easily.

The main thing is to forgive yourself. Satan will take any mistake we make and have us beat ourselves up indefinitely, so we stay mired in guilt, shame, and never get to sharing the light.  Share the light. Confession frees us to have the joy the Lord wants for you. There are plenty of fellow journeyers that know exactly your situation. Usually, God allows us these side trips for a reason.  You'll be a better Catholic in the end, I have little doubt.

Welcome back, and God bless you.

Bob Kirby
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