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Meg D. wrote:

Hi, guys —

My sister had a cardiac event and was without a heartbeat for approximately 40 minutes before the EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) got it restarted. She spent the next 5 days on a breathing tube, and the EEG, and MRI showed only basic brain functioning and anoxic brain death. She was removed from the breathing tube and died after about 40 minutes. My question is:

  • Did her soul leave her body on day 1?

Thank you for your help in answering this. My brother and I are both wondering what the Church's belief is in situations such as this.


  { Based on my sister's condition, and an anoxic brain death, did her soul leave her body on day 1? }

Eric replied:


The Church does not have a teaching on the exact moment when the soul leaves the body (not even doctors can agree on a solid definition of death), so She cannot answer your question. 

You may, however, enjoy this experiential (not Church teaching) look at near-death experiences from a Catholic faith perspective:

Given what we've learned experientially from near-death experiences, it seems likely to me that the soul left the body on Day 1, since people who have NDEs tend to do so after a cardiac event like this.

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