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Joe wrote:

Hi, guys —

I was at a friend's house and they brought up a question I couldn't answer.

  • If you have a Mass said for a soul in Purgatory, and the soul is already in Heaven, what happens to the grace from that Mass?
  • Does it apply to someone else?

Thank you.


  { If you have a Mass for a soul in Purgatory and that soul is already in Heaven, what happens to the grace? }

Mike replied:

Hi, Joe —

Thanks for the good question.

Your question falls into the area of "theological opinion". The Church has no official teaching but is guided by "a common sense" answer based on her other teachings.

I would say that because the ultimate goal of spreading the Gospel is for all mankind to be one with the Lord in Heaven, the Lord and the soul, now one together in Heaven, would use the grace of that Mass for:

  1. the good of the person who offered the intention
  2. for those on earth who need the grace the most from that Mass, or
  3. maybe another family relative in the Holy Soul's ancestry.

If you, family, friends or Church parishioners have a strong devotion to praying for the Holy, Saved Souls in Purgatory, check out my other web site dedicated to praying for the final purification of the Holy Souls. We have a FREE Purgatory Prayer Program starter kit, for those interested.

Just click on the "Start your own" tab.

And remember, Purgatory has nothing to do with being justified or saved. All past, present and future souls in Purgatory have been saved by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus.

Purgatory has to do with one's own personal holiness. (Revelation 21:27)

Mike Humphrey

Rob replied:

Hi, Joe —

My own personal belief falls along this line:

God is omnipotent and omnipresent. Time does not apply to God. A Mass said for someone is part of the grace which "that person" receives in his or her journey.

"When the Mass is said", is irrelevant to the grace it provides.

Rob Coutinho

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