Kathy Wikman
Hi Mike,
Here's hoping this New Year finds you and yours
happy, healthy, and hopeful.
I have a couple of questions that I'm too embarrassed
to ask on a forum:
- Why are the vestments of the Catholic clergy,
bishops, cardinals, and Pope, so elaborate?
- Do they have some special significance?
- Why do Catholics kiss the Pope's ring?
- Do
they also kiss the rings of others?
Thanks for your time. I really do appreciate
your ministry.
Why are
the vestments of the Catholic clergy so elaborate
and do the have some significance? }
Mike replied:
Hi Kathy,
Great to hear from you. Best of wishes for you and the Wikman family as well for
You said:
- Why are the vestments of the Catholic clergy,
bishops, cardinals, and Pope, so elaborate?
- Do they have some special significance?
I don't know the answer as to why they are so elaborate. Maybe Fr. Nick
can assist me with an answer. The color differences in the vestments are
significant because they represent and are used in the various seasons in the
Catholic Calendar. Like our Jewish brethren, the Catholic Calendar doesn't
start on January 1st, rather it starts with the season of Advent, either
in November or early December. The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, starts
sometime in September.
I found this information from another web site I thought was solid.
Advent Definition and Summary
Advent is the 4 week period before Christmas when the Church celebrates
the first coming of Christ and anticipates his second Coming. Advent usually
begins in very late November or early December. This year (2007) Advent
begins on December 2nd. Prayers: Advent Prayers
Basic Facts
- Liturgical Color(s):
- Violet (optional: Rose for 3rd Advent)
- Type of Holiday:
- Season; Fast
- Time of Year:
- 4
weeks before Christmas; Sunday after
Christ the King Sunday
- Duration:
- 4 Sundays
and their weeks ending at Christmas
- Alternate Names:
- N/A
- Scriptural References:
- Isaiah
2:1-5; 7:10-14, Jeremiah 33:14-16, Zephaniah
3:14-18, Micah 5:2-5a, Matthew 24:37-44, Romans 13:11-14
Christmas Definition and Summary
Christmas, also known as the Feast of the Nativity, literally means "Christ
Mass." The feast celebrates Jesus' birth and the Incarnation of the
Son of God on December 25. Christmastide is another name for the Christmas
season, and currently extends from the first Vespers of Christmas Eve until
the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. Prayers: Christmas Prayers
- Basic Facts
- Liturgical Color(s):
- White
- Type of Holiday:
- Solemnity; Holy Day of Obligation;
- Time of Year:
- December 25th until the Baptism
of Our Lord (Sunday after Jan. 6th)
- Duration:
- Christmas:
one day; Christmastide: varies, see
- Alternate Names:
- Feast
of the Nativity
- Scriptural References:
- Luke
2:1-20, Matthew 1:18-24, John 1:1-18
Lent Definition and Summary
Lent is the period of fasting leading up to the feast of Easter, recalling
Jesus' 40-day fast in the wilderness. Western Lent begins on Ash Wednesday
and ends liturgically on the morning of Holy Thursday, although Lenten
penance continues through Holy Saturday. In 2008, Lent begins on February
6 in the Western Church. Prayers: Lent Prayers.
- Basic Facts
- Liturgical Color(s):
- Violet (Purple)
- Type of Holiday:
- Fast
- Time of Year:
- Immediately following Ordinary Time
after Epiphany; varies
- Duration:
- Liturgically Lent lasts 44 Days, and
includes Sundays. The traditional Lenten fast is observed for 40
days, starting on Ash Wednesday, going through Holy Week, excluding
- Alternate Names:
- Great
- Scriptural References:
- Matthew
4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
Easter Definition and Summary
Easter, also called Pascha, is the feast of Christ's resurrection from
the dead. It is celebrated on the Sunday following Holy Week. Easter is
also a 50-day season, often called Eastertide. In 2008, Easter falls on
March 23. Prayers: Easter Prayers
- Basic Facts
- Liturgical Color(s):
- White
- Type of Holiday:
- Feast
- Time of Year:
- Varies; follows Holy Week and Lent
- Duration:
- Fifty Days; Easter Sunday up to Pentecost.
- Celebrates/Symbolizes:
- The Resurrection of Christ
- Alternate Names:
- Pascha (Easter is the Anglo-Saxon
- Scriptural References:
- Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke
24, John 20
Ordinary Time Definition and Summary
Ordinary Time is the liturgical period outside of the named liturgical
seasons, named "ordinary" because it is derived from the word
ordinal or "numbered." It falls immediately after Christmastide
and then again after the Easter Season. Prayers: Ordinary Time Prayers
- Basic Facts
- Liturgical Color(s):
- Green
- Type of Holiday:
- Season
- Time of Year:
- Evening of the Baptism of The Lord to
Lent; After Pentecost to Advent
- Duration:
- Total of 33 or 34 weeks.
- Celebrates/Symbolizes:
- The
Holy Trinity
- Alternate Names:
- "Sundays
of the Year", _th Sunday after
- Scriptural References:
- Various
Ordinary Time gets its name from the word ordinal, meaning numbered, since
the Sundays of Ordinary Time are expressed numerically. Ordinary Time occurs
outside of other liturgical time periods. Essentially then Ordinary Time
is that part of the year that does not fall within the seasons of Advent,
Christmas, Lent, or Easter.
The Catholic Church celebrates two periods
of the year as Ordinary Time. In the United States, the first period begins
after the Masses have been said on the evening of the Feast of the Baptism
of The Lord (the Sunday after The Epiphany), meaning that the feast itself
falls within Christmastide, but the whole day does not. The next Sunday
is still reckoned The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, because
it is the Sunday of the second week in Ordinary Time. The reckoning can
be confusing, and has many asking What happened to the first Sunday
in Ordinary Time?
The Catholic Church and other Western liturgical
Churches recognize the period after Pentecost until Advent (including Christ
the King Sunday) as Ordinary Time, although in some denominations they
are often still numbered Sundays After Pentecost.
Ordinary time does not need to be ordinary, and is not meant
to mean that somehow we get a break from the Liturgical Year. The opposite
is true: everything that does not fit into Advent, Christmas, Lent, and
Easter is celebrated during ordinary time, including the feasts of:
- the
- Corpus Christi
- All Saints
- the Assumption of Mary, and
- Christ
the King.
In addition, the Church continues to celebrate Saints days and
other events such as The Octave of Christian Unity. The major feasts, when
occurring on a Sunday, trump the regular Ordinary Time Sunday lessons and
liturgy. In the American Catholic Church, Corpus Christi is celebrated
as a Sunday feast, so often there are fewer than the 34 Sundays of Ordinary
time that may possibly occur. We also may remember and celebrate the parts
of Jesus' life that were ordinary, much like our own lives.
You said:
- Why do Catholics kiss the Pope's ring?
- Do
they also kiss the rings of others?
Catholics kiss the Pope's ring our of respect for the divine office Jesus
established on St. Peter and his successor's. This was foretold in Isaiah 22:15-25 and established in Matthew 16:13-20.
I don't know if there is a priestly tradition of kissing the ring of any
other bishop.
Take care,
Fr. Nick replied:
Dear Mike:
In checking my files, this seemed to be a good, concise and inclusive history and
explanation the priest's vestments. I hope this is helpful.
The liturgical vestments worn at Mass have evolved over time. Since the
earliest days of the Church, liturgical vestments have been worn by priests
for the celebration of the Mass. Even though priests of the Old Testament
wore vestments in their liturgical rites, the Christian vestments
are not really adaptations of them; rather, the vestments of the Christians
developed from the dress of the Graeco-Roman world, including the religious
However, the Old Testament idea of wearing a special kind of clothing
in the performance of liturgical rites did influence the Church.
St. Jerome asserted,
The Divine religion has one dress in the service
of sacred things, another in ordinary intercourse and life.
For the
first few centuries of our history, the Church continued to refine who
wore what when and how until about the year 800 A.D. when liturgical norms
for vesting were basically standardized and would remain so until the renewal
following the Second Vatican Council.
For the celebration of Mass, a priest wears the:
- Amice
- Alb
- Cincture
- Stole, and
- Chasuble.
The Amice
The amice is a piece of white linen, rectangular in shape, with two long
cloth ribbons. The priest places it around his neck, covering the clerical
collar, and then ties it by crisscrossing the ribbons in his front (to
form a St. Andrew's cross), bringing them around the back, around
the waist and tying them in a bow. The practical purpose of the amice is
to conceal the normal clerical clothing of a priest, and to absorb any
perspiration from the head and neck. In the Graeco-Roman world, the amice
was a head covering, oftentimes worn underneath the helmets of the Roman
soldiers to absorb sweat, thereby preventing it from flowing into their
eyes. The spiritual purpose is to remind the priest of St. Paul's
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit,
the Word of God." (Ephesians 6:17)
The former vesting prayer was:
O Lord, the helmet of salvation on my head to resist the attacks of the
The Alb
The alb is a long, white garment, which flows from shoulders to ankles,
and has long sleeves extending to the wrists. (The word alb means white.)
The alb was a common outer garment worn in the Graeco-Roman world and would
be similar to the soutane worn in the Middle East. However, those of authority
wore albs of higher quality with some kind of embroidery or design. (Note:
Some modern style albs have collars which preclude the necessity for an
amice). The spiritual purpose reminds the priest of his baptism, when he
was clothed in white to signify his freedom from sin, purity of new life,
and Christian dignity. Moreover, the Book of Revelation describes the saints
who stand around the altar of the Lamb in Heaven as:
"These are the
ones who have survived the great period of trial; they have washed their
robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb."
(Revelation 7:14)
In the
same way, the priest must offer the Mass with purity of body and soul,
and with the dignity befitting Christ's priesthood. The former vesting
prayer was:
"Make me white, O Lord, and purify my heart so that being
made white in the Blood of the Lamb, I may deserve an eternal reward."
The Cincture
The cincture is a long, thick cord with tassels at the ends which secures
the alb around the waist. It may be white or may be the same liturgical
color as the other vestments. In the Graeco-Roman world, the cincture was
like a belt. Spiritually, the cincture reminds the priest of the admonition
of St. Peter:
"So gird the loins of your understanding; live soberly;
set all your hope on the gift to be conferred on you when Jesus Christ
appears. As obedient sons, do not yield to the desires that once shaped
you in your ignorance. Rather, become holy yourselves in every aspect of
your conduct, after the likeness of the holy One who called you."
Peter 1:13-15)
The former vesting prayer was:
"Gird me, O Lord, with
the cincture of purity and extinguish in my heart the fire of concupiscence
so that, the virtue of continence and chastity always abiding in my heart,
I may better serve Thee."
The Stole
The stole is a long cloth, about four inches wide and of the same color
as the chasuble, that is worn around the neck like a scarf. It is secured
at the waist with the cincture. Traditionally, the stole was crisscrossed
on the chest of the priest to symbolize the cross. The stole too is of
ancient origin. Rabbis wore prayer shawls with tassels as a sign of their
authority. The crisscrossing of the stole also was symbolic of the crisscrossed
belts the Roman soldiers wore: one belt, holding the sword at the waist,
and the other belt, holding a pouch with provisions, like food and water.
In this sense, the stole reminds the priest not only of his authority and
dignity as a priest, but also of his duty to preach the Word of God with
courage and conviction.
"Indeed, God's word is living and effective,
sharper than any two-edged sword."
(Hebrews 4:12)
and to serve the needs
of the faithful. The former vesting prayer was:
"Restore unto me, O
Lord, the Stole of immortality which I lost through the sin of my first
parents and, although unworthy to approach Thy sacred Mystery, may I nevertheless
attain to joy eternal."
The Chasuble
Finally, the chasuble is the outer garment worn over the alb and stole.
Over the centuries, various styles of chasubles have emerged. Derived from
the Latin word casula meaning "house," the chasuble in the Graeco-Roman
world was like a cape that completely covered the body and protected the
person from inclement weather. Spiritually, the chasuble reminds the priest
of the charity of Christ:
"Over all these virtues put on love, which
binds the rest together and makes them perfect" (Colossians 3:14)
The former
vesting prayer was:
"O Lord, Who hast said, ‘My yoke is sweet
and My burden light,' grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy
In the Middle Ages, two popular interpretations of the meaning of the
vestments arose. The most prevalent one interpreted the vestments as symbols
of Jesus' passion:
- the blindfold (the amice) and the garment (the
alb) as He was mocked and beaten;
- the ropes and fetters (the cincture)
which bound Him during the scourging;
- the cross (the stole) He carried;
- the seamless garment (the chasuble) for which the soldiers rolled dice.
The other popular interpretation focused on the vestments in their Roman
military origins and viewed them as symbols of the priest as the soldier
of Christ doing battle against sin and Satan.
In all, the vestments used at Mass have a two-fold purpose:
signify the role proper to each person who has a special part in the rite,
and they help to make the ceremonies beautiful and solemn."
Instruction on the Roman Missal, No. 297)
Moreover, the vestments inspire
the priest and all of the faithful to meditate on their rich symbolism. |
As to the second part of Kathy's other question, she said:
- Do
they also kiss the rings of others?
Bishops wear a ring. In the past, a distinction was made between:
- the pontifical
ring (which would have a gemstone, traditionally an amethyst), and
- the
ordinary ring (which would have the bishop's coat of arms or some
other design engraved on it).
The ring, like a wedding band, symbolizes that the bishop is wedded to
his diocese. The ring would also be used, at least in previous centuries,
to make the important imprint of the bishop's seal in hot wax to
authenticate documents. The Holy Father does this today.
Moreover, in Catholic tradition, to reverence or kiss the
ring of the bishop, as a sign of respect for his authority, is still proper;
interestingly, a partial indulgence was attached to the reverencing of
the bishop's ring.
Hope this helps,
Fr. Nick
Kathy replied:
This is marvelous.
Many thanks to you and to Fr. Nick!
I'm happy to say that RCIA is proceeding very nicely; lots of information,
but with my Evangelical background, I do wonder where that spirit
of evangelism is.
I'm guessing some parishes are probably more active
than others, and there are certainly some supportive folks, but at times
it has seemed like I am knocking on a door and no one's listening.
Ah well,
our Dear Lord said, "Knock and the door will be opened," (Matthew 7:7) so I
know what my part is.
Thanks again for your ministry, Mike.