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Mark Menne wrote:

Good Evening,

Thank you for giving me the ability to ask religious questions.

I am a 43-year-old male who grew up Catholic. I went to Catholic school grades 1—8 and was an alter boy. My wife and I were married in the Church where our four children were baptized.

I converted to Mormonism four years ago and my wife, who died last year, was adamant that I was a member of a cult. She was very opposed to my children going with me to church.

  • Now that she is gone, do you have any thoughts on whether or not I should bring my children with me to church?

Thank You,


  { Should a Mormon consider her departed wife's wishes and not bring the kids to the Mormon church? }

John replied:


Thank you for your question.

Your wife was unfortunately correct. Mormonism is indeed a cult.

Not in the sense that we speak of cults today, (i.e.: a bunch of secluded people under a cult like figure practicing all kinds of strange things), but theologically speaking, Mormonism is a cult
or, better put, an institutionalized heresy.

Mormonism is not Christian, although it espouses Christian values. Mormons don't hold to the most basic and essential teachings of who Jesus Christ is, or the Trinity. Therefore, they cannot be called Christians.

This is not an indictment of their character or values. They share our Christian values and,
in some ways, they will often live these values better than Christians, however, none of that can justify the heresy taught by their church.

Salvation comes through Jesus Christ, the God/Man, one in being (of one substance) with and eternal begotten of the Father. Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, is not a created being.

He is Eternal God, the Word made flesh. Jesus Christ is one Divine Person with two natures. Divinity and humanity hypostatically fused.

Rejecting who Jesus Christ is — is to reject Jesus Christ. While our Protestant brothers have also fallen into heresy, they've retained orthodox doctrines with respect to the Trinity and Jesus Christ, hence, they share in the one Baptism, which allows them to properly be called Christians.

Mormons reject the Trinity, and the Jesus who came to reveal the Father, for another Jesus:
a Jesus not found in the Scriptures or history — a Jesus that does not exist. Therefore this Jesus of Mormonism is not the Christ; hence Mormons cannot be called Christians.

Not only, should you not bring your children with you, but also, I beg you to study the Scriptures and the Teachings of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. See just what you traded in for the wild and apostate musings of Joseph Smith.

Under the Mercy and in the Love of the One Jesus Christ, Eternally begotten Son of the Father, True God and True Man,

John DiMascio

Mary Ann replied:


There are several issues here.

  • First, how old are your children?

If they are over the age of reason, their consciences should be respected, especially if they have received the Sacraments of Initiation. (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation)

Second, rare is the case that a person your age was catechized at all well in the Catholic Faith. You should ask yourself if you honestly knew the Faith you had left, and why you changed. If your change was truly one of conscience, it should always be open to reflection. You might read the Catholic Catechism to see the faith from which you have apostatized.

Third, as to the Mormon religion: You will find that what you learn about the religion changes as you advance in it, and that the internal and external controls get stronger. When a child is told:

"If you leave Mormonism, you will never see your parents again, even in eternity,"

that is a strong inner control. When a bereaved person is told:

"Baptize your deceased wife in Mormonism and you are assured of being together with her again."

that is a strong control. Both the higher knowledge and the controls (from financial to spiritual) are signs of cult-ish behavior.

There are many theological problems with Mormonism, inconsistencies and things that don't make sense. Its books contradict each other and they contradict known history.

Here is a testimony by a family who journeyed out of Mormonism:

It also contains descriptions of Mormon beliefs that will surprise you. Mormons are not Christians, as Catholicism and Christian history has always defined Christianity.

In Mormonism, Jesus is not the only-begotten eternal Son of the Father, who with the Spirit is the One God over all creation. Jesus has a brother, Lucifer or Satan, and one day you too can be a god, like Jesus. The Mormons say, take a spirit wife and beget children in your own world. Mormonism is sort of a materialist version of ancient gnostic dualism and neo-platonism seen through a Masonic lens.

Joseph Smith was a convicted con artist and a sex addict by contemporary terms. There is much more to say about Mormonism, but I think that your entry into the religion was probably motivated not by doctrine, but by community and support and assurance.

I would just like to ask you to give your wife's dying wishes the respect that would involve
re-thinking those first steps, looking at them clearly, and looking again at her faith and the faith of your children. Then, follow your conscience.

God bless you.

— Mary Ann

Bob replied:

Dear friend,

Thank you for your question.

I am glad that you are taking the time to consider your children's future life in faith. Perhaps with God's grace you can make the right decisions, after weighing some very weighty matters.

First . . .

  • Why did you leave the Catholic Church to begin with?

I am very sorry that you apparently did not get good instruction in your faith and were sold on a religion that is full of errors. While there is much to commend in the faithfulness and moral uprightness of many Mormons, Mormonism's beliefs are not consistent with Catholicism, or any other Christian denomination, and they contradict historic Christianity. You owe it to you wife's devotion to her children and her faith to reconsider this great rift you have created in the family by abandoning your Catholic faith.

  • Would you please consider investigating the Catholic claims to authenticity more closely for your own good and so that you can give your children the faith inheritance that they deserve?

There are many good resources that would help you to fairly evaluate both faiths so that you can make some informed judgments. If you are open to that I will recommend some. Mormon evangelists have made it a common practice to debunk Catholicism to uninformed Catholics, thereby instilling confusion, and then filling the void with the fullness of their community, which often seems to be more vibrant and caring than the Catholic's own parish. If this happened to you, I can understand how you got swept away but I hope you will give us another chance to show you why you ought to come back.

In the meantime, I would talk to a priest and consider bringing the children to a Catholic Church so that they can attend Mass and begin to have an experience of their faith heritage.

Ultimately, however, their life in faith will be shaped by you. You must decide where you will worship, and if you don't give the Catholic Church an opportunity to speak to some of the issues that separate us from Mormonism, you are doing a great disservice to yourself and your children. Please weigh this carefully.

Your coming to our site shows a willingness to do what is right. If your conscience has led you here, let it lead you home to the truth.


Bob Kirby

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