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Lawrence Crisostomo wrote:


Let me give you some background. I am currently 19 years old, live in California, and have no family of my own . . . yet. I was baptized a Roman Catholic and am still practicing the faith today.

I have three questions:

  1. Does the Bible, New or Old Testament, ever explicitly condemn or even mention assisted reproduction?

I had always thought that since reproductive technologies are a creation of our present time, the Bible would not have any mention of it; seeing it only has stories that the Christian viewpoint can be based on.

  1. Is it a sin to be homosexual?, and if it is:
  2. What should be told to people who were Catholic before they realized they were homosexual?


  { Does the Bible condemn assisted reproduction and is being homosexual a sin? }

Bob replied:

Dear friend,

The Bible does not have explicit references to modern reproductive technologies, as you rightly point out, because they are not relevant to the time. That being said, there are principles which are the foundation of our sexual morality, which are scriptural, and indeed relevant and critical given the pace at which technology advances.

To give you a very short summary: Sex is the expression of marriage — therefore it requires a man and a woman. (Same-sex marriage does not count because it is not a licit marriage). For the sexual act to be licit, it must not deliberately frustrate either the procreative or unitive elements. In other words, it must be open to life (no artificial birth control) and must signify the two as one in the conjugal act. You can't just take the sperm and egg, put them in a dish and make a person without the act that is meant to be the expression of love from which a new person comes forth.

There are technologies that can assist couples that are suffering fertility issues that are licit but that is beyond the scope of this response.

Lastly, homosexuality, as a disposition of same-sex attraction, is not sinful, although it is disordered. (The natural object of male sexuality is the female — the biological evidence of this is the simple complementarity of the reproductive organs: the penis and vagina go together.)

Sin consists in actions. A homosexually-oriented person who acts on the impulses by having sexual activity with the same sex is committing sin. If he were to engage in willing fantasy or other mental acts that deliberately foster the sexual impulses he would also be committing sin. Jesus said to his disciples,

I tell you that a man who looks at a woman lustfully already has committed adultery with he . . . (Matthew 5:27-28)

can be applied to both sexes. We might find that keeping our mind and body pure is difficult but it is possible with God's help.

I would counsel any person, Catholic, or not, to follow Jesus and seek His Will for their life. They can find support to live a chaste life in groups like Courage. (One of my good friends is a homosexually-oriented person who started such a group in his area.)

You said:

  1. What should be told to people who were Catholic before they realized they were homosexual?

They need understanding and compassion, support and encouragement, but above all, they need love to help salve the wounds of loneliness they sometimes feel.

Peace be with you,

Bob Kirby

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