You did the right thing by consuming it. You shouldn't have put
it in your wallet. That is sacrilegious, and should be confessed — though
I doubt it was a mortal sin, since you appear to have been ignorant of
possible sacrilege.
If you were testing God for a miracle, that was not
good, either, and should be brought to Confession. If one is reading a
number of sensational or miraculous stories, one could get carried away
looking for such things. Either one believes or one does not. A sign
can help belief, but never cause it. In any case, the particle of Host,
if that is what you removed from your mouth, is the Lord God in the flesh.
- He may have manifested the nature of His flesh and blood to you, or
- the
Host may have become dirty in your wallet, or
- you may have removed some
other sort of particle from your mouth along with the Host.
Bear in mind
that we should treat the Host with all respect.
My God bless you and give
you grace through His sacraments.
Mary Ann