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Montoya wrote:

Hi, guys —

I've had two dreams, both at different times. My first was last year.

I was in a room; it may have been a Chapel. The elders (women) were praying for
a lady. The lady, on her knees, liked praying. I'm not sure if she was ill. The elders prayed over her, but she continued to cry. I then asked if I could pray with them.
I touched her shoulder, speaking in tongues, (I've never spoken in tongues before), and prayed for her. She began to move in praise filled with joy.

This past week, I had another dream.

There was a girl, sick and laying on the ground. She had her eyes closed, not moving, though I wasn't sure why. I began to pray over her, holding my hand over her body, speaking in tongues. This time the spirit was so strong I felt it in my sleep and the spirit was still with me when I woke up.

I have prayed and asked for understanding because I'm unsure of this.

I hope you can give me advice.

Thank You,


  { Can you interpret my dreams or recommend where I can get a good analysis of them? }

John replied:

Dear Montoya,

We are dedicated to explaining the Catholic faith to Catholics and non-Catholics interested in learning about Catholicism.

We don't interpret dreams or private revelations. What you need is a good spiritual director who will get to know you and your circumstances and can possibly help you to understand some of your dreams.

Dreams, more often than not, are the product of the subconscious trying to resolve a psychological issue. They are not usually a private revelation. In either case, we are not councilors nor spiritual (advisors|directors), hence, our advice can only be to start by finding a good spiritual director.


Mary Ann replied:

Montoya —

This is a matter to take to a spiritual director that knows you.

God bless.

Mary Ann

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