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Megan McNaney wrote:

Hi, guys —

I am Catholic and I have been married for almost 20 years to my husband who was never baptized. We have two children that were never baptized because I wanted for them to choose the right path.

After a lot of discussion both my children and my husband would like to be baptized Catholic.

  • I would like for this to be a very special day for all of them and would like to know if the Catholic Church allows to have all three baptized on the same day?


Megan McNaney

  { Would the Church allow all three of my family members to be baptized on the same day? }

Bob replied:


You should be able to have everyone baptized as a family, particularly at the Easter Vigil.

Talk to your parish priest abut RCIA and maybe your whole family could do that together.
That's how we do it at my parish.


Bob Kirby

Mike replied:

Hi Megan,

You said:
I am Catholic and I have been married for almost 20 years to my husband who was never baptized. We have two children that were never baptized because I wanted for them to choose the right path.

As I said in another posting:

If parent's truly believe in their faith, they will want to pass that faith on to their children for their physical and spiritual well-being. Your children are at the age where they are depending on the Christian reasoning and intellect of you and your wife; something they currently don't have.

And remember what Jesus told use in Mark 16:16:

16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved

  • Don't you want that for your little ones who don't have the use of their reason yet?

In addition to what Bob said, and seeing you maybe preparing to take RCIA classes in the near future, consider buying a cheap copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to learn everything we believe as Catholics.


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