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Chris wrote:

Hi, guys —

I'm a Catholic but after serious discernment would have to say I'm pro-choice.

  • Is OK to be pro-choice or should those who hold a pro-choice view leave the Catholic Church?



  { Is OK to be pro-choice or should those who hold a pro-choice view leave the Catholic Church? }

Paul replied:

Dear Chris,

What you are asking, while using other words, is this:

  • I believe it is morally okay for women to have their innocent children killed before they are born. Should I leave the Church because I believe in this kind of murder?

There are two senses to consider here.

  1. In one sense you have already have left the Church in spirit by condoning the practice of prenatal homicide.
  2. In another sense you would commit a double wrong by leaving the only place on earth that offers supernatural life from the eternal Source of Life — the God of Life Who Is Life.


Mike replied:

Hi Chris,

Good to hear from you again.

I have to chime in on this one because the pro-abortion feminist movement is distorting the language on this issue for their selfish purposes.

Pro-Choice in the United States and around the world is really Anti-Choice.

  • Why?

Because these feminists don't want the (fe)male fetus in the mother's womb to make choices.

Unlike back in the 60s, United States law now has multiple laws on the books that recognize the fetus as a living person. The best example is the Laci Peterson case, where the shooter, Scott, was tried on, two counts of murder:

  1. Laci, and
  2. her unborn child

The counter argument is:

It's my body and my reproductive system and the Pope in Rome has no business telling me what I should do with my own body.

And my reply is:

Who gave you the loony idea that your body was really your body . . .

  • the Democratic Party?
  • Planned Parenthood?

If your body is really your body, run into oncoming highway traffic.

If it's your body, you can just bring it back from the dead like Jesus did . . . right?

My body, is not really my body, just as no woman's body, is really their own body. We are custodians of our bodies who are responsible to use it to bring for the next generations of people through sacramental Marriage and the conjugal embrace between a husband and a wife.

Please don't scandalize the Church by being a Catholic in name only. The last thing we need in the Church is 1960s dissent.

My views on this were summed up in an editorial I did in Mike's Theology corner:


Chris replied:

Thanks Mike.

I respect your view, and everyone's view. That's why I wrote but my view is simple.

It's legal for this to take place and it's not my choice whether someone should have a baby or not.

It's not my body . . . I would tell the woman to think long and hard about her decision, but nonetheless it is her decision.

Not mine.


Paul replied:


Here's where your flaws lie:

  1. You keep mentioning that prenatal homicide is legal but this isn't a question of what is legal, but rather what is moral.
  2. The moral question relates to the pre born baby's body, not the mother's. The question is whether or not it is a moral right to kill the baby's living growing body inside of hers.
  3. Such an act of homicide is not her decision any more than the choice to kill the child outside her womb would be. We all have decisions to make about what we do with our bodies — but it is never moral for one human being to use his or her body to kill another innocent human being. That, objectively, is called murder.


Chris replied:

Paul —

Regardless of what I see as moral . . . it's legal and not my choice . . . It's the woman's choice.
I have zero say in her decision. I can tell her it's wrong but it's not my choice — it's hers.


Mike replied:


Paul has set down the moral logic on the issue, which you seem to reject.

  • Would you say it's not your choice if you had been the one who impregnated her?

There are cases upon cases of documentation of would be fathers who have regretted:

  • their
  • their family, or
  • her family's

pushing for a quick abortion as if it was like taking an eraser to remove the mark-up on a white board. It's not.

  • If you were the father who impregnated her, where's your choice if you wanted to father your child?
  • Does being a father mean anything to you if the woman chooses to kill their child?

This is nothing less that being Anti-Choice on the woman's part. The (fe)male fetus/baby never gets to make any choices. Last time I check the biology books it takes three to bring a baby into existence:

  1. a father
  2. a mother, and
  3. God — (Obviously, because to this date no mind has been able to comprehend and explain the beauty of the physiology of the male and female body. With the mapping of the human genome, we are discovering more and more each day via how to treat illnesses.)

To say it just takes a father and a mother to bring a baby into existence is to be a shadow thinker. No father or mother will ever be able to explain how and why:

  • our digestive system
  • our respiratory system, and
  • our cardiovascular system

was created as it was. Even an honest atheist would agree that if there were two words to describe the male and female body they are — amazingly complementary!


Chris replied:


I would say that the choice is between the father and mother . . . It's not my choice.

The law of the land says it's legal so it's not my choice. It's theirs . . . regardless of the morals involved or not.

I have zero choice to decide what's right for her or her father. You, me, or whomever have zero right to tell the father and mother how to control their life. No matter how right or wrong it is.

It's her choice.


Mike replied:

Hi Chris,

You can say what you want but it's denying the moral law.

I believe it was St. Thomas Aquinas who said any immoral law, is no law at all. Roe vs. Wade isn't the first immoral law the Supreme Court has upheld.

It was also Albert Einstein who said:

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.

If someone believes in their faith, like the Early Church Fathers, they should be willing to die for it, not to conform to a denial of it.



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