Lanston Pinto
Hi Mike,
I have another question :)
I few months ago, I read an article by Fr. Pat Sullivan regarding Holy Souls in Purgatory.
The article had a great impact on me knowing that what we suffer here is nothing compared what the Souls in Purgatory suffer. It touched me so much.
I decided I would start offering Masses for them. Every month I offer Masses for the Holy Souls.
I do my tithing in this way.
- I just want to know is this fine?
- Can I use my tithing completely for this purpose:
offering Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory almost everyday?
Can I meet all my tithing obligations by having Masses said for the Holy Souls in Purgatory? }
Mike replied:
Dear Lanston,
The practice is a stellar idea that I wish more Catholics would practice!
As to whether it is a substitute for tithing, I would say probably not, depending on your current income and financial needs.
If you are in a financially tight situation it may be OK for now but in the long run you should also support your local Catholic parish as well.
I hope this helps. If you haven't seen it, check out my web site dedicated to praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory:
Here are some of the special pages:
Mike |
Lanston replied:
I have no problem in giving my tithe to my parish but what I would normally do is give my entire tithe toward having Masses said for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
- Wouldn't my parish church use my tithe in the same way had I given it all to having Masses said for the Holy Souls in Purgatory?
I do want to give money toward helping the Holy Souls in Purgatory because I really believe that tomorrow these souls, once they are in Heaven, would pray for me and my family too, when (hopefully) me and my family would be in Purgatory.
- So what would you suggest?
<Give half of my tithe to the Holy Souls and half to my parish?>
- I know you are passionate in this area, so what would be your advise?
Mike replied:
Hi Lanston,
You said:
I do want to give money toward helping the Holy Souls in Purgatory because I really believe that tomorrow these souls, once they are in Heaven, would pray for me and my family too, when (hopefully) me and my family would be in Purgatory.
Just to clarify our teaching a bit, Catholics are not hoping to be in Purgatory; rather we are hoping to be in Heaven with Our Blessed Lord Jesus, Mary, and the other saints. Because the Lord has given us free will, we can, on our earthly pilgrimage, make bad, personal choices. Purgatory, the Holy Hospital of Heaven, is the needed purification of those bad choices.
Those being purified in Purgatory have been justified and have been saved. Purgatory has to do with our own personal holiness, not our justification or salvation. (More)
You said:
- So what would you suggest?
<Give half of my tithe to the Holy Souls and half to my parish?>
- I know you are passionate in this area, so what would be your advise?
If what you mean by this is that you are having other church's do this, but not yours, you should split your tithe up because you still want to support your parish. This is one of the precepts of the Church: Supporting your Catholic parish.
However, if you really mean that your church is offering all the Masses for the Holy Souls then you are fine and you can use your tithe completely for this purpose.
P.S. Make sure you talk with your pastor to make sure he is on board with the number of Masses you want said for them. The colleague, Brian Bagley, has found out that some pastors have different feelings on the number of Masses they will allow to be said for the Holy Souls on a regular basis.
I hope this helps,
Lanston replied:
Hi Mike,
Yes. It is with regards to only my parish and not others.
Normally, I go to my parish church office and give the money for the Holy Souls.
Even if I have to give my tithe for my parish, I would go to office again so I don't see any difference because the money is all going to the same place. I am just offering Masses for the Holy Souls. I offer Mass for them some 20 continuous days, every morning.
I will also have a word with my priest and see what he says. I hope he also doesn't mind and agrees. That would be good because I could do something for the Holy Souls :)
Mike replied:
Hi Lanston,
That's great!
I don't mean to shrug off my AskACatholic team but keep in touch with me a Brian.
The work we have done as a duo comes from his extraordinary devotion to praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
He even has an annual calendar book (like one you would get at Staples) where, for each month, he writes down what Masses he has scheduled and what Church's he can still go to in order to schedule next months Masses for the Holy Souls.
I would encourage others reading this answer, who also have a devotion to the Holy Souls, to follow in Brian's foot steps.
Take care,
Lanston replied:
Sure Mike. Will do.
I also will pass this message of offering Masses for the Holy Souls to my friends.
Take care,