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Mawa Smith wrote:

Dear Sir or Ma'am,

This is a task we are working on. If you could please answer these few questions for me it would be appreciated.

  • How does your belief affect your ethical decision?
  • What is the social impact of your religion?
  • In your own point of view, give me one example of the ways in which religion or spirituality impacts on society or is significant in a social way?
  • Please share your reflections on the ways in which religious or spiritual experiences, beliefs and values contribute to a sense of personal meaning?
  • Please share your explorations and explanations of the connections between religion and personal and ethical decision making?


  { How does your belief affect your ethical decisions and what is the social impact of your religion? }

Bob replied:


Here are a few answers.

My religion affects all my ethical decisions, because it is my God who defines what is right and wrong. He also gave me reason so I can make determinations about what is right and true.

My Christianity has had enormous impact on human history and continues to be of great social impact. Since the Christians converted the Roman Empire, many formerly barbaric practices were abandoned.

The faith has shaped the collective values of the entire western world and brings people together in worship, service, and community.


Bob Kirby

Mike replied:

Dear Mawa,

My belief, as it should all Catholic Christians, affect all my ethical decisions. I fear many uncatechized Catholics don't understand why.

It is rooted in Jesus working in and through us through the Eucharist which we partake in every Sunday. Any Catholic Christian who says, I'm personally opposed to abortion but advocates for actions that produce more abortions, is not letting Christ work through them.

People like these play and trust on an American population that is uncatechized in the faith and, in some cases, lacks courage.


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