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Ryan wrote:

Hi, guys —

I have come looking for answers from a religious viewpoint. I have looked on-line but I can't find simple "yes" or "no" answers. Could you help me please?

  • Can I hug my girlfriend?
  • Can I kiss my girlfriend?
  • Can I sleep in the same bed as my girlfriend?
  • Can we cuddle and snuggle?

I really want to do things by-the-book and I really want to be able to do things with her, especially sleep in a bed together because she hardly gets any sleep as it is. It's going to be a few years until we get out of high school and go to college.

She's heading to Florida for college and I'm just going across the province but she is coming home for the summer and I don't want to spend the summer sleeping on the couch (LOL). A year or two after, when we're moving in together, we can get financially stable so we can get married.

  • Could you answer in simple"yes" or "no" answers?

Thanks in advance, : )


  { Can you answer some dating questions linked to the intimacy I have when I'm dating my girlfriend? }

Bob replied:

Dear Ryan,

Thanks for the question.

You cannot sleep with your girlfriend (with or without sex) because it poses a risk of the near occasion of sin.

You may hug her, as hugs are for everyone we care for, but hugging in order to feel her body is using her in a pseudo sexual way, so that would be a "no".

A kiss is okay, but making out is not, because that is a kind of sexual activity.

Sex is for marriage, so you must not live together until you are married, because that is putting yourselves into the near occasion of sin.

You don't get marital privileges until you are married. Chastity requires self control and respect for the purity of yourself and your beloved. It isn't easy, especially when you are very attracted to one another, and that is why you must limit your time in, and around, the company of others, because too much alone time makes the temptation(s) all the more difficult.

This is what you do. You act like friends who are close until such a time as you are able to marry, which could potentially be well after college.

A man needs to provide for his wife and family so you need to focus on getting yourself together for that purpose. If your relationship is strong enough, it can wait.

Most high school kids are too young and unprepared to really make decisions that are for forever, so even though you feel it is a forever love, it may not be. For most teens it usually isn't, but there are exceptions.

Your adherence to chastity will prove which category you fall into.


Bob Kirby

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