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Anonymous A.J. wrote:

Hi, guys —

My wife and I have been married for over 35 years. She is in her late 50s and I am in my early 60s, and she is postmenopausal, so we are past our child-bearing years.

  • So, is it OK for me to use a condom during intercourse or is it a sin?
  • And is it OK for us to sometimes masturbate together, or pleasure each other to orgasm, in place of having intercourse?


  { In light of our ages and that we're both past our child-bearing years, is this sexual recreation acceptable in place of intercourse? }

Paul replied:

Dear A. J.,

It's always a sin to masturbate to completion. Mutual manual stimulation between spouses is morally acceptable (if both parties consent) as long as it ends in natural genital-genital intercourse.

Condom use is also morally disordered, even when a woman is post-menopausal since the unitive dimension of the marital act is an essential end that includes full intercourse (including insemination).

These are grave matters that violate the natural moral law of God.


Bob replied:

Dear A.J.,

You will find a good amount of information in our database on this issue.  

Here are the basics : Catholic teaching shows the proper context for which God gave us sex, chiefly procreation.  

That being said, even in the years following fertility married couples can still enjoy sexual relations with their spouse in order to aid their bond and even their health.  But keep in mind the rules don't change just because your bodies have.  Condoms deform the act by denying its very conjugal character, and masturbation does likewise, so they are gravely sinful.  

Genital stimulation is fine in the context of the overall lovemaking so long as the male ejaculation is in intercourse, not some other act.  Since the female orgasm may not be achieved during intercourse, extra manual stimulation to assist her is fine; you should not leave her unsatisfied in that respect.

Sex, even for the mature, is fundamentally a reproductive act, for which God is the Author and Definer of principles.  If it were merely about pleasure then every other sort of sex would be fine, because the procreative openness of the act wouldn't matter.  But we clearly know that there are boundaries around this sacred gift, so we aim to avoid the profane, and even perverse, which sadly seem to be more and more lauded by the world.  However . . .

Holy sex is good sex, and good sex makes a good marriage.  That is God's plan, for no other relationship shares this unique privilege, but only the one in which the "two become one flesh."


Bob Kirby

A.J. replied:

Hi, guys —

Thanks for the quick replies. 

One item I did not include was that my wife prefers not to have intercourse without a condom because she has had numerous yeast/bladder infections and believes they were a result of intercourse due to the timing of the infections.

  • Is there a medical exception in this case?

Otherwise, I cannot have intercourse with my wife for the rest of my life, unless I convince her to agree to "no condoms".  We were married virgins and have been solely with each other all our lives.

Thanks again, and God bless,


Eric replied:


You might consult the National Catholic Bioethics Center (

The National Catholic Bioethics Center.

I think there are solutions, but I think a professional consultation is in order.


A.J. replied:

Thank you all for your responses! 

We will be heading to Confession as we continue our journey with more knowledge.

God bless,


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