Dear Amber,
Yes, absolutely!
That's what the parable of the Prodigal Son (or daughter!) is all about (Luke 15:11-24).
The Father is already waiting eagerly for you to return! All you need to do is to schedule the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) with a local priest and confess what you've done. I know you feel shame, but there is nothing you can confess that the priest hasn't already heard before. Imagine if you had an embarrassing medical condition.
- Would you hide it from your physician out of shame or expose it to him so you could be healed?
So it is with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You need to be healed by the Divine Physician. It might feel embarrassing for a short time to disclose what you've done to the priest, but I guarantee you that the fruits of it will be worth it.
It's important to be honest and complete in what you confess to Him and not be afraid. The fear you are feeling comes straight from the Devil, who wants to put every obstacle in your path to the sacrament of Confession. Do not be afraid; God is loving and merciful toward those who turn toward Him and ask for His Mercy. You cannot be healed of what you do not confess. If you do not know what to do, simply ask the priest to guide you.
Once you've confessed your sins, you can resume receiving Communion. You do not need to be rebaptized or go through any other ceremony, although if you haven't been confirmed, you will probably want to do that at some point, and that will probably involve some remedial education.
God loves you more than you can ever ask or imagine and is calling you with open arms! There is nothing, not anything, you've done that cannot be forgiven.
Welcome home!
Eric |