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Questions about Papacy, the Pope and Infallibility
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Posting date Questions
  How do I go about getting a papal blessing for my sister's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary?
January 2011 What does this etching mean that we saw on the top of the Consulate for Transportation in Rome?
January 2011 Is the Pope infallible on a medical views (e.g. on condoms) or when he is quoted in an interview?
January 2011 Is the Pope infallible when he gives a speech, in his writings, or in general conversation?
January 2011 Why have a Pope if the Bible says in 1 Timothy there should be no mediator between Man and God?
January 2011 Are these sources credible and do these remarks represent what Catholics believe about the Pope?
January 2011 How does one with a non-Catholic past know if a priest is faithful to the Church and the Pope?
January 2011 Would the duties of the Pope require that he take an anti-Donatist line of reasoning?
January 2011 Was the Gospel of Matthew originally written in Aramaic and does 'Peter' mean rock or pebble?
January 2011 Why have Popes come from a white, European background rather than an Asian or African one?
January 2011 Are babies born in the Vatican, citizens of the Vatican or citizens of their home country?
January 2011 Were my feelings proper when watching this televised Papal Mass and is 'censing' the correct term?
August 2010 What is wrong with the main teaching of fundamentalists and why can't the Pope be questioned?
August 2010 Can a defrocked priest still celebrate the sacraments and why is the Pope above the Holy Spirit?
April 2010 Does the Church recognize the Apostolic Succession and sacraments of autonomous churches?
April 2010 Can you answer questions on the Jubilee year and the Pope's ability to communicate with God?
April 2010 If Christianity was established in Antioch, how can the Pope, in Rome, be the successor of Peter?
April 2010 Since I don't blame the Church for the sex abuse scandal, why is my reasoning on this erroneous?
April 2010 Can someone translate the inscription on this medal for me?
April 2010 Since you are a Catholic apologist, how would you reply to the letter I sent Pope Benedict?
April 2010 Why is the media in a feeding frenzy against the Church?
April 2010 In light of the lack of action on the clergy sex abuse issues, why doesn't Pope Benedict XVI resign?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.