Hi, Bill —
The short answer to your question
is: Yes and Yes.
Let's clarify some terms:
A vegetarian is one who lives
on a diet composed primarily or
wholly of vegetables, grains,
fruits, nuts, and seeds, with
or without eggs, and dairy products
(They don't eat meat.)
Within the Roman Rite, the unconsecrated
host consists of unleavened bread.
Within the Roman Rite, the unconsecrated
wine consists of grape wine.
That said, consuming either the unconsecrated
bread or grape wine is OK for a vegetarian.
Neither one falls in the meat category
of foods.
After consecration, the Church teaches
- substance of the unleavened bread
becomes the Body, Blood, Soul
and Divinity of Jesus (John 6:51-70)
- accidents of the unleavened bread
remain the same: the taste, touch,
smell, or qualities of the unleavened
The same is true for the consecrated
- substance of the grape wine becomes
the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus
(John 6:51-70)
- accidents of the grape wine
remain the same: the taste, touch,
smell, or qualities of the grape
Some will say:
- OK. Doesn't the
substance of the consecrated Host
still change into the body (meat)
of Christ?
Yes and No!
The category of vegetarian/non-vegetarian doesn't
apply well to the mystical-sacramental presence
of Jesus in the Eucharist. We don't
eat this in the same way that we
would eat animal flesh as food.
There, we eat part of a dead
creature. Here we are
receiving a living Person into
ourselves, whole and entire, divine
and human — Jesus as He
is now, already risen from the
dead. Jesus has conquered death
by His Resurrection, and does
not die again when we obey His
command to eat His Flesh and drink
His Blood. That act — shocking
as it is — is not destructive,
and does not harm Jesus. There
is no re-killing of Jesus which
would offend some against the
desire to harm no living, breathing
The consecrated Host is the Risen
Body and Blood, Soul
and Divinity that we are given
as Real Food and real Drink. The
Presence is Real. The Transubstantiation is real. The New Food and Drink
is real, but we have to be careful
not to be caught up an overly
physicalistic interpretation here — as
if we are chomping on Jesus of
The Eucharist connects both the Mystery
of the Incarnation and the Paschal
Mystery. Sometimes in emphasizing
the Real Presence, we have simply
emphasized the Incarnation, but the
Eucharist cannot be understood without
the Resurrection.
- Is the Risen Body
of Jesus identical with Jesus of
Yes and No!
Everything that went into the Tomb
was raised up — came out — on Easter
morning but even there, there is
a transformation. It is not simply
the Resuscitated Body of Jesus. He
is transformed. We cannot begin to
compare the Glorified Body with
the Body Our Lord walked upon this
Earth before his death.
- Remember
the road to Emmaus, when even his
close disciples didn't recognize
- Remember how after the Resurrection:
- Our Lord appeared suddenly amongst
the disciples, and doubting Thomas,
- the fact that Our Lord came through
the closed doors?
All this indicates a totally different
mode of existence, totally alien
to our understanding of the laws
of physics and chemistry: Our Lord:
- Truly Risen from the Dead
- Truly possessing the same Body
(I suppose modern scientists would
look for DNA.)
- but in a glorified form. Think
of the Transfiguration!
Read 1 Corinthians 15 again. Paul
goes after the Corinthians who both
deny the Resurrection or have a too
(simplistic/physicalistic) interpretation — there
is the key! Paul teaches
us about the Eucharistic Body of
Christ in 1 Corinthians 11, the Mystical
Body of Christ — the Church in 1
Corinthians 12 and the actual
Risen Body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15. I do not think that is accidental.
They are interconnected.
I would dare anyone then to categorize
the Risen Body of Christ as an animal.
Some will say:
The dictionary
defines substance as chemical composition.
- Doesn't the consecration of the Host
change the chemical composition of
the Sacred Species?
Let me address this point:
In every material thing, there are
two sets of elements quite different:
substance and qualities. No man has
ever seen substance; he has only
seen qualities of the element.
e.g. I see the squareness of a block
of iron, but it can become round,
still remaining iron. I can feel
its hardness, though it can become
soft in the furnace, the substance
being unchanged. If it be black,
it can become red; if it be cold,
it can become hot; if it be heavy,
by great heat I can render it a vapor.
The qualities, then, differ from
the substance, or we could not change
one, without changing the other.
If we can change qualities without
changing substance, God can
certainly change substance without
changing qualities. Any chemical
differences are dependent upon qualities, not the substance. Granted the permanence
of the same accidental qualities,
the same chemical reactions will
be apparent.
Vegetarians are vegetarians because
of the chemical effect that meat
would have on their physical bodies.
Because a chemical change in a material
object is dependent upon the qualities
of the object, and not the substance, your
friend can go ahead and partake in
the Holy Eucharist without
fear of consuming the Sacred Species as meat. The substance has changed, not the
qualities of the material object:
unleavened bread.
I hope this answers your question,
Side note from the AskACatholic.com
I'm sure you have a good heart Bill
and would never distort another person's
faith. That said, instead of evangelizing
fellow Catholic Christians, why don't
you try evangelizing non-Christians worldwide instead.
an idea! : ) |
Team answer from: Richard Chonak,
Terry Quinn, Fr. Francis, and Mike Humphrey
Assimilated by Mike Humphrey