Hi Brian,
Great to hear from you and welcome to the family!!
I'm glad you found our web site helpful. I have a strong team behind me
without which I couldn't do this work.
One thing, our AskACatholic team envy about Evangelical
Protestants is their zeal for the Faith and for the Sacred Scriptures.
Scott Hahn, when he joined the Church, said we, [Catholics], are
like Rockefeller's in the ghettos who don't know how to write out checks,
so I empathize with your situation.
I would do several things:
- First read the following web pages to get a sense of how we started:
to get a sense of how we started.
- Check out our Starting
your own CPATS group page.
- Work with what you have and include a
daily prayer life focused on this
specific issue.
- What do you possibly have?
- Talk to your pastor and share with him your interests.
We all have a calling in the Church. Through
prayer, you will
discover yours. If he doesn't seem interested or doesn't
seem to care, find another priest.
Remember, Catholics don't leave Peter because of Judas behavior.
- Talk to the network of good Catholic friends
you have met and share with them your interest in developing
a Catholic Support group in the form of Catholic Scripture Study,
Faith-sharing or just getting together as friends over some food
and drink. Try to set a good day and time aside for all to get
involved on a periodic basis.
- No one person knows everything: except the Divine Person, Jesus.
Having a Catholic support group where you can ask friends
questions, makes you stronger and them stronger. When we answer questions correctly, we re-enforce the belief in us.
Sorry, I know nothing about fundraising. : (
I'll get some more cards in the mail for you.
For those who I cannot reach, these are the cards Brian was referring to.
Maybe you can download these PNG files and work them into similar business-like AskACatholic cards you can pass out to family and friends.
One final note:
I used to run a free program that sent Catechisms to seeking Protestants and non-Christians but I no longer have the financial or operational means to do this anymore. Nevertheless, if you wish to go deeper, consider buying a cheap copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to learn everything we believe as Catholics.
— If you, or any visitor, have been helped by our work at AskACatholic.com, consider financially supporting us today.
— If you can't right now, click on a few ads on our website. Every ad click brings in a bit more revenue that supports our work. Every click helps.
Take care,