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Carla wrote:

Hi, guys —

My name is Carla, I'm 16 and live in Australia. I realize you won't answer questions for homework, but I have this ethnographic assignment where I need to ask a priest of the Catholic faith about funeral and death rituals. (It is also for my own interest as well!) A reply to the following questions would be great!

  1. What small rituals/ceremonies take place just prior to death?
  2. Immediately after death, what is done to prepare the body?
  3. What is the usual form/pattern of the funeral ritual?
  4. What symbols are used during the funeral ritual?
  5. What transforming power takes place during the ritual?

If you could answer any one of those questions, that would be amazing!

Thanks in advance!


  { Can you help with a task where I need to ask a priest questions about funeral and death rituals? }

Bob replied:


You are right in saying we don't answer homework questions, but let me point you in the right direction.

The last rites or Sacrament of the Sick is also known as the Anointing of the Sick, which was formerly called Extreme Unction and is performed for the sick and dying.

Try looking up information on that.


Bob Kirby

Mary Ann replied:

Carla —

None of us are Catholic priests, so we don't fill the bill. As for the questions, they are asked from a sociological point of view.

Some of the answers depend on the culture of the local Church, and the others would be available in the Book of Rites, which you can peruse online or buy.

If you need to ask a priest, ask a priest.

He would be glad to help.

Mary Ann

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