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AskACatholic - Questions we won't answer.
Below is a list of e-mails we will not reply to
  1. Questioners that want us to:
  • do their homework
  • take their test/quiz
  • do research for their High School and [College|University] term papers and similar questions.

    Teachers give out homework FOR YOU do to, NOT US.
    You will not receive a reply to your e-mail.
  1. Questions that can be answered:
  • by the natural law
    (that's that law inside of our conscience, that tells us what is right and wrong.)
  • by your parents, the primary educator of some ones faith, or
  • by going to your own (pastor or parish priests):
    • for advice and guidance in Confession, or
    • for any issues related to the morality of any medical issues you may have.

    None of us are priests, counselors, or medical doctors and addressing these issues with them will allow you to address any nuances, in specific situations, you may have forgotten to mentioned to us in your initial question to us as well as any follow-up questions.

  1. Questions that can be answered with your own efforts.

On occasion, we will provide the reading resources for answers (like the Catechism of the Catholic Church) for our questioner to study and research (using their own time) but instead they return to ask us additional questions which they can find:

  • using the previous resources we have provided and
  • there own time and effort.

We are here to evangelize, defend, and clarify the faith but you guys have to use your God-given abilities as well and utilize the resources we have given you for present and future questions!

  1. If what you are looking for is a web site where you can send an e-mail with:
  • no question about the Catholic faith but just a personal statement of faith or belief.
  • no question about the Catholic faith but is rather a sermon or religious, secular or political commentary.
  • no question about the Catholic faith but with content that tries to bait us into replying to non-Catholic views.

This is not the place.

  1. If what you are looking for is a web site where you can get involved in non-ending debates (that especially give you the opportunity to mock others faiths in a disrespectful manner.)

    This is not a debate web site.

This is not the place.

  1. Buckshot e-mails will be ignored. What is buckshot e-mail?

They are e-mails with about 25 to 35 questions in them and by the tone of each question, one can tell the questioner has no interest in finding out what Catholics believe and why, but are just interested in attacking a church (in their mind) that doesn't exist.

  1. If what you are looking for is a web site where you can get into long unending e-mail dialogues to justify the dissent from the Church or sinful behavior.

This is not the place.

  1. If what you are looking for is a web site where you can:
  • get an initial answer from us that you disagree with then
  • come back every week with a "I'VE GOT YOU" question on a perpetual basis.

This is not the place.

  1. If you consider yourself a Catholic, but:
  • don't believe in the validity of the Ordo Mass
  • believe the Catechism has errors
  • believe we have not had a true pope since Vatican II

    Don't waste our time trying to convince us, you are Catholic, when you are a Protestant who dissents from KEY Teachings of the Church.

This is not the place.

We welcome those who know nothing about the Catholic faith OR know nothing about Christianity, itself, but expect sincerity and courtesy in every [question and reply] as we dialogue.

  1. We do not accept inappropriate language like these questioners sent us:

More than one-half the population of this earth are women. Most still exist under the "feet" of 'brain-dead' men who believe themselves to be gods.

You SHOULD BE aware that Holy Scriptures are FULL of sexist passages. Until this is CORRECTED; the Scriptures are "suspect."

We volunteer to help people find understanding about our Lord Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church.
We believe that anyone can enter into a relationship with God through Christ, and become a believing member of His Church.

We're happy to help people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, understand the Church better but expect any question to be asked with sincerity and honesty. We receive a lot of e-mail from people who want to find out what the Catholic Church teaches.

On the other hand, some messages only express criticisms and don't show any interest in getting information.

We do want to let critics know that we recognize their feelings and we wish those people all the best.
If we can help in the future sometime, we're open to friendly questions, even from people who don't agree with us. Of course, sometimes the best answer we can give is to refer a questioner to other resources, such as books and other web sites, or their local parish.

Mike Humphrey and the team at

Mike Humphrey Web Administrator

Please report any and all typos or grammatical errors.
Suggestions for this web page and the web site can be sent to Mike Humphrey
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.