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Roy Doyle wrote:

Hi, guys —

Concerning John chapter 6, I recently read that eating means coming to Him and drinking means believing on Him. They stated he who comes to Me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst, implying Jesus was speaking in a spiritual sense.

After reading this, I find it difficult to understand the text in John literally. I do believe in the literal sense but am lacking assurances. I know the word flesh and blood is involved with real drink and real food.

This refutation has blinded me, not verse for verse, but John chapter 6 as a whole as to when some of His disciples departed. I know Jesus could not mean his flesh profiteth nothing as He is the life of the world, although another refutation I read was the sacrifice hadn't taken place yet and that Jesus was localized; that his words were a metaphor of the starting verse thou shall not hunger or thirst.

  • Can you help please?

I have had a terrible time trying to figure this out and I know I cannot enter Heaven in a blind state.

Thank you dearly,


  { Can your address these refutations to the Catholic interpretation of John, chapter 6? }

Mike replied:

Hi Roy,

This is a common question; it's even in our searchable knowledge base. There are a lot of quick answers there, so give it a try. I searched the knowledge base for you and found these web postings that may help:

Make sure you read the related web pages that link off the above page.

I hope this helps,


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