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Questions about the Sacrament of Marriage
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Posting date Questions
June 2015 Can my non-Catholic husband receive if he hasn't taken RCIA but has been to our children's CCD?
April 2014 Can we speed up the annulment so we can get married and do pre-Cana at the same time?
April 2014 Although we are Catholic, can we possibly have a Catholic wedding in a non-Catholic Church?
April 2014 Would the Church be willing to consent to a Catholic woman marrying a Pagan man?
April 2014 Can a Catholic priest officiate a non-religious, civil wedding or blessing of two non-Catholics?
April 2014 Can we speed up the annulment so we can get married and do pre-Cana at the same time?
April 2014 Although we are Catholic, can we possibly have a Catholic wedding in a non-Catholic Church?
April 2014 Would the Church be willing to consent to a Catholic woman marrying a Pagan man?
April 2014 Can a Catholic priest officiate a non-religious, civil wedding or blessing of two non-Catholics?
April 2014 To please my parents, can an Protestant minister witness a marriage in a Catholic Church?
April 2014 What should I do if, before our Pre-Cana program, we have lost both sacramental certificates?
January 2014 Do I have to receive the sacraments in the same church and can I receive some after marriage?
January 2014 Does the Church have a special blessing She gives to women who are about to be married?
January 2014 Do I have to be married in a Catholic Church if I am not having a full Mass at my wedding?
January 2014 Can two Catholics celebrate the sacrament of Marriage at a non-denominational Chapel?
January 2014 How does one who doesn't go to Church and hasn't received the sacraments prep for Marriage?
January 2014 What advice do you have for a Catholic couple pondering marriage with differing faith views?
January 2014 How do we apply the sacraments to Marriage since Jesus didn't biblically institute this sacrament?
January 2014 Are interreligious marriages allowed and, if the bishop refuses, can I go to another bishop?
January 2014 What is the origin of women taking on their husband's last name when they marry?
January 2014 Is it possible to be married by the Catholic Church but not by the state?
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