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Questions about the Anointing of the Sick and various end of life issues.
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Posting date Questions
August 2024 Will my husband go to Heaven if he received absolution without confessing/repenting of his sins?
August 2023 Was it OK to ask for a lock of my mother's hair and if it was wrong, how can I correct this situation?
August 2023 What do the Muslims, Christians, and Jewish people say when they surrender their life, for death — meaning, before they die?
August 2023 Can a non-Catholic have a burial Mass and can a non-Catholic be buried in a Catholic cemetery with a Catholic spouse?
January 2022 Since we couldn't afford to bury her, will our mother still be accepted by God and the Church?
January 2022 If someone killed themselves for a specific reason, what level of Hell would they go to?
January 2022 What can I do to get my brother's cremains buried right as I can't afford a cemetery plot nor urn?
January 2021 Besides consoling the family, can the priest give a dead person a form of Last rites or a blessing?
January 2020 Can dying as an infant or dying after receiving one of the sacraments be the best way to go?
August 2019 Is it appropriate to distribute Communion to those in the hospital who say they don't go to church?
January 2019 Is cremation allowable, and If ashes are OK, can they be spread out or do they need to be buried?
January 2019 Where do my actions stand with the Catholic Church and is it a mortal sin to scatter the ashes?
January 2019 Once a person's body has been cremated, do their spirits remain attached, in part, to their ashes?
August 2018 Can funeral Masses be conducted during the 50-day period following Easter?
August 2018 Was there ever a time the Catholic Church was against cremation?
August 2018 How do I handle this constant behavior on my husband from a parish widow and what should I do?
April 2018 Is it a sin to be cremated?
August 2017 Can you help me answer this challenge to the Church's teaching on assisted suicide?
April 2017 Is it proper to offer our pastor a stipend for a home visit?
January 2017 Do you know the Church view on these questions seeing I'm thinking about joining the Church?
August 2016 Will my eternal destination of Heaven be in jeopardy if my dead body is disposed of by the state?
January 2016 What is the Catholic stance on those who disrespect the last wishes of some ones estate?
August 2015 Is blessing a gravestone when it's installed something that priests do for a non-Catholic cemetery?
June 2015 What are we supposed to do with the commemorative candle we received at Baptism?
June 2015 What is the Catholic view and teaching on biodegradable urns that grow into trees?
June 2015 As I near the end of my life, how can I make sure my soul is clean when I die?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.