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Questions about the Eucharist/the Real Presence.
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Posting date Questions
January 2025 Does the Church have anything to say on the view that the Eucharist contains psychedelics?
January 2025 What happens to the precious Body and Blood of Christ when we consume It in our bodies??
January 2024 Is there a specific name for the practice of putting the Eucharist on your tongue rather than putting it on your hand?
January 2021 What should we do when finding a host on the streets after a prayer retreat organized by a priest?
January 2021 Are prayers more effective in front of the Consecrated Host and, if so, where do I go to pray?
August 2020 Can you reply to questions on the Incarnation linked to the Eucharist and the (Body/Soul) of Jesus?
August 2020 Can you reconcile these Scripture passages in John with the Catholic teaching on the Eucharist?
April 2019 Can you help me with these philosophical ideas about faith and belief related to the Eucharist?
April 2018 Why aren't the effects of gluten kept from the consecrated host so the celiac faithful can partake?
January 2016 Why do I need the Eucharist when I already have unmediated access to Jesus through faith alone?
January 2015 Can your address these refutations to the Catholic interpretation of John, chapter 6?
August 2014 Do you have any feedback on some interesting thoughts I had on the Eucharist?
August 2014 Can you reply to some questions on the Reformation, the Eucharist, and Protestant pastors?
January 2014 Can you receive your First Communion if you haven't received your Confirmation?
January 2014 Do you have Catholic rebuttals to my refutations against Transubstantiation so I can grasp this?
August 2013 What is xtatic une? — or do I mean Hypostatic Union or ecstatic union.
January 2013 What does the Church mean when it refers to the substance of blood?
August 2012 Does a boy require a Godmother to receive his First Holy Communion?
August 2011 If the bread is converted to Christ at Mass, when is the same bread consecrated at Adoration?
August 2011 Are Catholics and Greek Orthodox the only religions that believe in the Real Presence of Christ?
August 2011 How was the Bread, the Risen Christ; do I understand salvation and are their sacraments valid?
April 2011 Is there a historical precedence for a specific interpretation of Luke 22:19 on remembrance?
April 2011 If we eat His Body and drink His Blood during the Eucharist does that make us cannibalistic?
April 2011 How can I explain John 6 on the Eucharist and prove that Catholic doctrines have never changed?
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The Early Church Fathers Church Fathers on the Primacy of Peter. The Early Church Fathers on the Catholic Church and the term Catholic. The Early Church Fathers on the importance of the Roman Catholic Church centered in Rome.