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Posting date Questions
August 2018 Can a baptized Christian, who loves a Hindu girl, agree to a marriage in line with Hindu traditions?
August 2018 If my son's wife's been seeing another man, and wants a divorce, it is a sin for him to divorce her?
August 2018 Can you provide some advice for a wife, longing to have a baby, with a husband who refuses to?
April 2018 Under these circumstances and, based on what she has told him, is this marriage still valid?
April 2018 If I divorced via a Justice of the Peace, then married again through one, am I still really married?
April 2018 Is a divorced Hindu free to marry in the Catholic Church and, if not, is an annulment possible?
April 2018 If I'm separated from a civil union, can we date and remarry in Church or do I need an annulment?
April 2018 How would my husband's status: (still officially married in the Church) affect our son's Baptisms?
January 2018 With this marital past, can I become Catholic and, if so, will the Church recognize a late marriage?
January 2018 With this marital history, is it possible to get back in good standing with the Catholic Church?
January 2018 If I convert, would my marriage be annulled, and would I have to raise my children in the faith?
January 2018 Can I still join the faith if my wife and I are separated and a resolution seems like a faint hope?
January 2018 What should I do and say if my wife says, she will leave me if I can't get her pregnant?
January 2018 As a 74-year-old, can I receive Communion if I'm single but sexually intimate with my boyfriend?
January 2018 What should I do if I know of unrepentant Catholics having sex and receiving Communion?
January 2018 Are Catholics returning after an absence or returning under special cases treated differently?
January 2018 Is my marriage recognized by the Church as a valid marriage and can I remarry as a Catholic?
January 2018 Will the Church still marry us in the Catholic faith if I repent before re-entering the Church?
January 2018 If I saved my virginity but my husband didn't, since I'm not his first, am I committing adultery?
January 2018 If my first wife was not baptized was my marriage recognized in the Catholic Church?
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