Dear Anna —
Good question.
If removal of the uterus is necessary
for the overall health of the body,
there would be no reason, morally,
why resumption of conjugal relations
should not continue as desired.
The Church teaches that married couples
must be open to both the unitive and procreative dimensions of marriage;
and your concern about both is proper
and admirable. However, the principle of totality
states that removal of a diseased
body part is justified for the life
and health of the whole person.
your case, you do remain open to
the procreative meaning of sexuality
despite your necessary operation,
so there would be no moral problem.
As for carrying your cross, we all
need to do that in one way or another.
It is between you and your doctor
as to whether the procedure is truly
needed. Prayer might help you discern
what your crosses are or should be.