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Posting date Questions
April 2008 How could John Main's Christian Meditation be so evil, yet bring my sister back to the Church?
November 2007 Should I be concerned that these recovering meetings are scheduled at non-Catholic locations?
November 2007 Do you know the Church's position on either John of God in Brazil or Christina Gallagher?
April 2007 Why would you question whether Mormons are Christians, when they are Christians?
April 2007 What has the Church said about Masonry and where I can get accurate information on them?
September 2006 Why are you spreading false information about the Mormons? . . . they are Christian!
September 2006 Can you help with challenges to my Catholic faith from Muslims and explain why they are wrong?
April 2006 Why don't you look up the messages of Vassula Ryden and the true life in God ministry?
April 2006 Based on my studies and what I have read, is it time for the Church to re-examine Astrology?
May 2005 Could you please clear up the legitimacy of the prayer technique, "kything", in regards to Church teaching and practice?
June 2005 Can you reply to my criticism of your comments on the girl who's been dating a Mormon guy? — I find them to be quite wrong.
December 2003 Does anyone have any knowledge of Fr. Carter and "the Shepherds of Christ" out of Morrow, Ohio?
December 2003 Could you recommend any resources that will help me deal with the (SDA) Seventh Day Adventists?
November 2003 Where do I report a bishop who is violating Canon Law by attending monthly Freemason meetings?
October 2002 What do I say when my hubby asks me, why did the Church change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?
November 2000 If I want to stay Catholic and he wants to stay Mormon, do we still have to raise the kids Catholic?
November 2000 Can you help me defend why we observe Sunday as the Sabbath and show me its biblical basis?
August 2000 As one who works in a Seventh Day Adventist hospital, can you help me defend my Catholic faith?
August 2000 Can you tell me about William Branham, who my boyfriend says is the End-Time prophet?
August 2000 Do you know the Vatican's view on the Christian Community and Rudolf Steiner?
August 2000 Can you explain the proper rendering of John 1:1 and the Jehovah's Witnesses view of this verse?
August 2000 Since the Jehovah's Witnesses say we don't have a 'soul', can you tell me where 'the soul' is alluded to in the Bible?
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